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CVS: creating a repository

I wanted to setup a CVS repository. However, searching the net, I was not able to find a tutorial that explained in easy steps how to do that. So, I decided to write one myself.
The following text is a log on how I installed CVS as a server and created a repository.
First, I downloaded the CVS server and client tools for windows from


The installation turns out to be quite straight forward. Starting the installer takes care of the entire installation.
The default installation installs two windows services: the cvsnt service (named CVSNT) and the cvsnt lock (named CVSNT Locking Service) service. Additionally, it also installs a default certificate.
The cvs.exe was installed into C:\Program Files\cvsnt. To use it more comfortably, this directory needs to be added to the PATH environment variablea.
c:> set PATH=c:\Program Files\cvsnt;%PATH%

Creating a repository

A repository needs a root directory under which both the files under version control and auxiliary files for use by CVS server are stored. I created this directory manually:
C:> mkdir c:\test_repository
However, this is not a CVS repository by itself; the CVS server needs to be told to use this directory as a repository. The CVS server (or service, respectively) is administered through a service control panel that can be invoked in the dos prompt like so:
C:\> cvsnt.cpl
cvsnt.cpl is installed into the system32 directory of windows (%SystemRoot%\system32)
Now, with cvsnt.cpl, one can go to the Repositories tab and add the created repository. I chose /testrep for the name of the repository.
A dialog informed me: C:/test_repository exists, but is not a valid CVS repository.
Do you want to initialise it?

And yes, of course, that's what I wanted.
Then I pressed apply.
The initialization basically created a CVSROOT directory beneath c:\test_repository and put some 55 files and yet another directory into CVSROOT.

Adding a user

After creating the repository, I needed to create a user that can access (that is store and retrieve files) the repository.
C:\>cvs -d:sspi:localhost:/testrep passwd -a some_user
Adding user some_user@localhost
New password: ******
Verify password: ******
cvs server: *WARNING* CVS user 'some_user' will not be able to log in until they are aliased to a valid system user.
The password that I have specified (and is hidden in the console) was geheim.
This command created \test_repository\CVSROOT\passwd with the following content:
Now, some_user needs to be aliased (according to the warning returned by cvs) to a valid system user:
C:\>cvs -d:sspi:localhost:/testrep passwd -r CHSP04\administrator some_user
Changing repository password for some_user@localhost
New password: ******
Verify password: ******
Although this seems a bit redundant, it looks like one has to give the password again.

Creating a module

Now, it was time to create a module which I named test_module:
C:\>mkdir test_module
C:\>cd test_module
For the beginning, I only stored one file, README.txt, into this module.
C:\test_module>notepad README.txt
Here's the content of README.txt:

This is some dummy text.
C:\test_module>cvs -d:pserver:some_user:geheim@localhost:/testrep import tm no-vendor initial-release
I didn't specify the -m flag, so CVS opened the default editor (as the environment variable CVSEDITOR is not set) to enter a message. I chose the message to be Initial Import:
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Initial Import
.. and CVS answered with:
N tm/README.txt

No conflicts created by this import
The N obviously indicates that tm/README.txt is a new file.
Now, let's see what happened in C:\test_repository.
C:\test_module>cd \test_repository

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is EC22-DD8D

 Directory of C:\test_repository

02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          .
02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          ..
02.11.2004  15:53    <DIR>          CVSROOT
02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          tm
Indeed, it added a new directory called tm. What's in there?
C:\test_repository>cd tm

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is EC22-DD8D

 Directory of C:\test_repository\tm

02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          .
02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          ..
02.11.2004  23:35    <DIR>          CVS
02.11.2004  23:35               506 README.txt,v
It contains a CVS directory (again, used for CVS use) and the README.txt (with a ,v suffix)
Now, the repository is ready to be used. Hopefully, I'll have time for another article that shows to actually use the repository.


January 8th 2005: Frank Herrara finds some errors on this page. They're now corrected.