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December 26, 2005: On comparing multiple SQL statements' statistics

When autotrace is set within SQL*Plus, statistics about a DML statement will be shown when the statement has finished. This is quite a usable feature to compare different SQL statements regarding their performance.
However, I miss the ability to compare multiple SQL statements. statspack comes closer, but still is not what I want. Therefore, I have written a package to do what I need.
First, I need to give myself (that is: RENE) the necessary grants by sys:
connect / as sysdba

grant select on v_$sesstat to rene;
grant select on v_$session to rene;
grant select on v_$statname to rene;

connect rene/rene
Then, I need a table that stores the statistics in which I am interested. The column calib_value is used to calibrate the package. It basically stores the overhead for the stat# in question when running the package.
create global temporary table interesting_stats (
  stat#       number  ( 3) primary key,
  name        varchar2(64) not null,
  calib_value number       default 0
on commit preserve rows;
I also need a table that stores the statistics' values for each statement that I want to compare. When I start and end a run, the current value from v$sesstat will be stored in value. is_start is set to 'y' when a run is started and set to 'n' when a run is stopped. snap is increased for each run.
create global temporary table stats (
  stat#      number(4)  not null, -- foreign key not allowed in ggt
  snap       number(2)  not null,
  is_start   char(1)    not null check (is_start in ('y', 'n')),
  value      number     not null
on commit preserve rows;
In order to make the subtracting a bit easier in the package, I create a view that holds the difference between a stat#'s start and stop value:
create view stats_view as
    end_snap.value - start_snap.value value
    stats start_snap join stats end_snap using (stat#, snap)
  where start_snap.is_start = 'y' and
        end_snap  .is_start = 'n';

Finally, I can create the package.
create package sql_stats as

  procedure init;

  procedure add_stat(statname in varchar2);
  procedure add_autotrace_stats;

  procedure calibrate;

  procedure start_snap;
  procedure stop_snap;

  procedure show(col_width in number := 10);

end sql_stats;
It will be clear a bit further down how the package's interface must be used.
Here's the package body:
create package body sql_stats as
  current_snap number(2);
  my_sid       v$sesstat.sid%type;

  procedure init is begin

    current_snap :=  0;

    select sid
      into my_sid
      from v$session
     where audsid = sys_context('userenv', 'SESSIONID');

    delete from interesting_stats;
    delete from stats;

  end init;

  procedure add_stat(statname in varchar2) is begin

    insert into interesting_stats (stat#, name)
    select statistic#, name 
      from v$statname
     where name = statname;

  end add_stat;

  procedure add_autotrace_stats is begin

    add_stat('recursive calls');
    add_stat('db block gets');
    add_stat('consistent gets');
    add_stat('physical reads');
    add_stat('redo size');
    add_stat('bytes sent via SQL*Net to client');
    add_stat('bytes received via SQL*Net from client');
    add_stat('SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client');
    add_stat('sorts (memory)');
    add_stat('sorts (disk)');

  end add_autotrace_stats;

  procedure calibrate is begin

    delete from stats;

    current_snap := 0;



    update interesting_stats i set
      calib_value = (
        select value from stats_view s 
           s.stat# = i.stat# and
           s.snap  = 2

    delete stats;
    current_snap := 0;

  end calibrate;

  procedure fill_stat(is_start_ in stats.is_start%type) is begin

    insert  into stats (stat#, snap, is_start, value)
     select i.stat#, current_snap, is_start_, v.value
       from v$sesstat v join interesting_stats i on (i.stat# = v.statistic#)
      where sid = my_sid;

  end fill_stat;

  procedure start_snap is begin
    current_snap := current_snap + 1;

  end start_snap;

  procedure stop_snap is begin
  end stop_snap;

  procedure show(col_width in number := 10) is 
    max_len_stat_name number(2); 

    line_1            varchar2(255);
    line_2            varchar2(255);


    select max(length(name)) + 2 
      into max_len_stat_name
      from (
        select name from interesting_stats union
        select 'statistic' from dual);

    dbms_output.put(rpad('statistic', max_len_stat_name));

    for s in 1 .. current_snap loop
      dbms_output.put(to_char(s, lpad('9',col_width,'9')));
    end loop;


    dbms_output.put_line(rpad('-', max_len_stat_name+1 + current_snap*(col_width+1), '-'));

    for st in (
    ) loop

      line_1 := rpad(, max_len_stat_name, '.');
      line_2 := rpad(' '    , max_len_stat_name + 1);

      for sn in (
          min             (value-st.calib_value) over ()        min_value, 
          max             (value-st.calib_value) over ()        max_value,
          ratio_to_report (value-st.calib_value) over () * 100  perc,
          value - st.calib_value                                value
          stat# = st.stat#
        order by snap

      ) loop

        line_1 := line_1 || to_char(sn.value, rpad('9', col_width, '9'));

        line_2 := line_2 || rpad(' ', col_width-7) || substr(
                            case sn.value when sn.min_value then '*'
                                          when sn.max_value then '!'
                                          else ' ' end,1,1);

        line_2 := line_2 || case when sn.perc is null 
                                 then '   n/a ' 
                                 else to_char(sn.perc,    '990.0') || '%'

      end loop;


    end loop;

  end show;

end sql_stats;
Finally, I can use the package. First, I need to call init on the package:
exec sql_stats.init;
Then, I have to specify what statisics I am interested in:
  sql_stats.add_stat('db block gets');
  sql_stats.add_stat('consistent gets');
  sql_stats.add_stat('physical reads');
  sql_stats.add_stat('redo size');
  sql_stats.add_stat('DB time');
I also need to calibrate the package. This makes sure that the package's overhead is not counted when I show the statistics.
exec sql_stats.calibrate;
Now, I am going to compare three SQL statements. Each statement I compare is enclosed in a call to start_snap and stop_snap.
exec sql_stats.start_snap;
create table foohoo as 
  select b.* from user_objects a cross join user_objects b 
   where rownum < 100000;
exec sql_stats.stop_snap;

exec sql_stats.start_snap;
delete foohoo;
exec sql_stats.stop_snap;

exec sql_stats.start_snap;
select * from dual;
exec sql_stats.stop_snap;
The statistics for the statements are:
statistic                  1          2          3
db block gets....       2447     111205          0
                         2.2%   !  97.8%   *   0.0%

consistent gets..       2204       1480          3
                     !  59.8%      40.1%   *   0.1%

physical reads...          0       1376          0
                     *   0.0%   ! 100.0%   *   0.0%

redo size........     114620   36131920          0
                         0.3%   !  99.7%   *   0.0%

DB time..........         28        248          0
                        10.1%   !  89.9%   *   0.0%
The output shows the number for each snap I did and for each statistic I specified along with the percentage of the number for the statistic. The worst percentage of a statistic is prepended with a !, the best statistic is prepended with a *. When a statistic has multiple best or worst percentages, multiple ! or * can occur (as is the case here for the statistic physical reads).

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