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c plus plus code fragments

Calling a method for each element in a container

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct A {
  A(int a) : _a(a)     {};
  void g ()            { cout << "void f(), " << _a << endl;};
  void f (int i) const { cout << "int A::f (" << i << "), " << _a << endl; }
  int _a;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  vector <A> v;

  v.push_back (A (1));
  v.push_back (A (1));
  v.push_back (A (2));
  v.push_back (A (3));
  v.push_back (A (5));
  v.push_back (A (8));

  for_each (v.begin (), v.end (), mem_fun_ref(&A::g));
  for_each (v.begin (), v.end (), 
                 bind2nd (mem_fun_ref(&A::f), 10));


  return 0;

forward declaration of a template

template <class T> class F;

template <class T>
void g(F<T>*);

struct G {
  int i_;

template <class T> class F {
    T t_;

int main() {
  F<G> f;



template <class T>
void g(F<T>* f) {
