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Bell [CSound FM instrument]

sr     = 44100
kr     = 4410
nchnls = 1

instr 1
  idur   = p3
  iamp   = p4
  ifenv  = 51                    ; bell settings:
  ifdyn  = 52                    ; amp and index envelopes are exponential
  ifq1   = cpspch(p5)*5          ; decreasing, N1:N2 is 5:7, imax=10
  if1    = 1                     ; duration = 15 sec
  ifq2   = cpspch(p5)*7
  if2    = 1
  imax   = 10
  aenv  oscili  iamp, 1/idur, ifenv             ; envelope
  adyn  oscili  ifq2*imax, 1/idur, ifdyn        ; dynamic
  amod  oscili  adyn, ifq2, if2                 ; modulator
  a1    oscili  aenv, ifq1+amod, if1            ; carrier
        out     a1
f1  0  2048  10  1

f51 0 513 5 1 513 .0001
f52 0 513 5 1 513 .001

;       idur iamp  ifq1
i1   0   15  8000  5.07

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