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Bass 1 (CSound instrument)

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps =10

instr 1
  ifrq   init cpspch(p5)
  ilen   init        p3
  iamp   init        p4

  k2    expseg 3000, 0.08, 9000, ilen, 1

  ksweep =k2-3000
  a1    oscil    iamp*0.40, ifrq*0.998-.12, 1
  a2    oscil    iamp*0.40, ifrq*1.002-.12, 2
  a3    oscil    iamp*0.40, ifrq*1.002-.12, 1
  a4    oscil    iamp*0.70, ifrq-.24      , 2
  aall= a1+a2+a3+a4
  a6    butterlp  aall,ksweep
  a8    butterlp  a6, ksweep
  a9    butterhp  a8, 65  
  a10   butterhp  a9, 65  
  a11   butterlp  a10,1000
  asig  linen    a11, p6, ilen, p7
  out asig
f1 0   2048 10 1 1 1 1 .7 .5 .3 .1         ;pulse
f2 0   1024 10  1                    

i1      0      .4      29500  5.00        .02       .01
i1      +      .       .      5.02        .         .  
i1      +      .26667  .      5.04        .         .  
i1      +      .26667  .      5.05        .         .  
i1      +      .26667  .      5.07        .         .