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SQL Server and Oracle glossary

SQL Server and Oracle have a different glossary. This table is a very small dictionary that helps look up the words in the other world.
Oracle SQL Server
SYS_GUID newid()
Index organized table Clustered index
Materialized views Indexed views
SQL*Net Net Library
create table new_tbl as select * from tbl select * into new_tbl from tbl
currval, nextval ident_seed, ident_incr
chr char
instr patindex
rpad replicate, space
to_char(10) convert(char, 10)
to_number('10') convert(numeric,'10')
to_date('28.08.70','') convert(datetime,'August 28, 1970')
hextoraw('4d') convert(binary, '4d')
nvl isnull
instr patindex
dbms_lock.sleep waitfor
dbms_output.put_line print
raise_application_error raiseerror
uid suser_id, user_id
variance var, varp
user suser_name
length datalen, len
sysdate getdate