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Subversion: Checkout and commit

Note: this page is part of Subversion basic operations.
Franz (who understands german) is given the task of maintaining the german subdirectory of project_text. So, he first gets his working copy of the german directory (using the svn checkout command):
C:\franz>svn checkout file:///c:/svn_repository/project_text/german
A  german\fruits.txt
Checked out revision 1.
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is EC22-DD8D

 Directory of C:\franz

12/02/2004  12:36 AM    <DIR>          .
12/02/2004  12:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
12/02/2004  12:36 AM    <DIR>          german
Now, he can accomplish his first task: changing Aepfel into Äpfel.
C:\franz>notepad german\fruits.txt
The svn status comes in handy to determine the status of the files under version control:
C:\franz>svn status german
M      german\fruits.txt
The M means modified.
Franz is happy with his modification, he commits:
C:\franz>svn commit german -m "Aepfel without umlaut"
Sending        german\fruits.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 2.
The commit creates a new revision. This new revision can now later be gotten from the repository.