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Subversion: Working on the same file, part III

Note: this page is part of Subversion basic operations.
Now, Mike wants to commit his work, too.
C:\support>cd \mike
C:\mike>svn commit english -m "Added elderberry"
Sending        english\fruits.txt
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Out of date: '/project_text/english/fruits.txt' in transaction '4-1'
Mike gets a Commit failed because of Out of date. This means that there is a new version in the repository which he would overwrite with his commit. That should be (and is) prevented by Subversion.
Therefore, Mike needs to update the file first:
C:\mike>svn update english\fruits.txt
G  english\fruits.txt
Updated to revision 4.
The G indicates that the file was merged. That is, the support team's changes (adding honeydews) are now in Mike's copy as well:
C:\mike>type english\fruits.txt
Now, Mike is ready to commit his work:
C:\mike>svn commit english -m "Added elderberry"
Sending        english\fruits.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 5.