René Nyffenegger's collection of things on the web
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Ever wanted to know what weird words such as slubberdegullion, floccinaucinihilipilification, honorificabilitudinitatibus mean.? ... It's all on world wide words where Michael Quinion writes about international English from a British viewpoint.
Of course, there is also Fortright's Phrontistery, international house of logorrhea, a free online dictionary of weird and unusual words to help enhance your vocabulary.
And, in order to look up an english word, use one look. is devoted to recently coined words and phrases, and to old words that are being used in new ways. These arent't 'stunt words' or 'sniglets', but new terms that have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, web sites, and other recorded sources. As of Nov 21th, the top ten words are metrosexual, pomosexual, homo-hop, tomacco, bait car, helicopter parent, talking hairdo, nicotini, man breasts and anonymice. The Word Detective on the Web is the online version of The Word Detective, a newspaper column answering readers' questions about words and language. The Word Detective is written by Evan Morris and appears in finer newspapers in the U.S., Mexico and Japan.
Famous last words, although they're not actual last words, those are definitely worth reading.