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Installing the RMAN catalog

First, a user is created. This user will then own the RMAN catalog. The user's name is freely choosable, here, it will be catowner.
create user          catowner 
identified by        catpw
temporary tablespace temp
default tablespace   data
quota unlimited on   data
quota unlimited on   temp;
The necessary privileges need to be granted to catowner:
grant connect, recovery_catalog_owner to catowner;
Then, the freshly created user connects and creates the catalog:
$ rman catalog=catowner/catpw

Recovery Manager: Release - 64bit Production

Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

connected to recovery catalog database
recovery catalog is not installed

RMAN> create catalog tablespace data;

recovery catalog created
It seems, that, alternatively, the catalog can also be installed with the catrman.sql script:
connect catowner/catpw

The content of the catalog is exposed through the catalog views.