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dbms_crypto (available with 10g) has a better random generator than dbms_random. The following three functions can be used



function decrypt returns raw (
 src                                in                      raw        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default
procedure decrypt (
 dst                            in out                     blob        ,
 src                                in                     blob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default
procedure decrypt (
 dst                            in out                     clob        ,
 src                                in                     blob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default


function encrypt returns raw (
 src                                in                      raw        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default
procedure encrypt (
 dst                            in out                     blob        ,
 src                                in                     blob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default
procedure encrypt (
 dst                            in out                     blob        ,
 src                                in                     clob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        ,
 iv                                 in                      raw default


function hash returns raw (
 src                                in                      raw        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        
function hash returns raw (
 src                                in                     blob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        
function hash returns raw (
 src                                in                     clob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        


function mac returns raw (
 src                                in                      raw        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        
function mac returns raw (
 src                                in                     blob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        
function mac returns raw (
 src                                in                     clob        ,
 typ                                in           binary_integer        ,
 key                                in                      raw        


function randombytes returns raw (
 number_bytes                       in           binary_integer        
Oracle's documentation states that sqlnet.crypto_seed must be set in the sqlnet.ora file; however, this option seems to be removed as can be seen in the samples subdirectory of $ORACLE_HOME/NETWORK/ADMIN
Thanks to Frank van Bortel to bring that to my attention.


function randominteger returns binary_integer (


function randomnumber returns number (