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is_numeric [PL/SQL]

The following function can be used to verify that a string is numeric. It returns 1 if so, and 0 otherwise.
create function is_numeric(str in varchar2) return number is
  v_number number(38);
  v_number := to_number(str);
  return 1;

exception when value_error then

    return 0;

end is_numeric;


create table is_numeric_ex (
  col varchar2(10)
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('  100  ');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('2e4');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('-5.89');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('+28.71');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('bar');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('999.99.99');
insert into is_numeric_ex values ('foo');
select * from is_numeric_ex
 where is_numeric(col) = 1;