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create cluster [Oracle SQL]

Index cluster

create cluster cluster-name (
  column-1 datatype,
  column-2 datatype,
  column-n datatype 
[ physical-attributes-clause ]
[ size size-clause ]
[ tablespace ts-name ]
[ index ]
[ parallel ]
[ { rowdependencies | norowdependencies } ]
[ { cache | nocache } ]
The optional index clause makes the statement create an index cluster.

Hash cluster

create cluster cluster-name (
  column-1 datatype [ sort ],
  column-2 datatype [ sort ],
  column-n datatype [ sort ]
[ physical-attributes-clause ]
[ size size-clause ]
[ tablespace ts-name ]
[ single table ] hashkeys [hash is expression ]
[ parallel ]
[ { rowdependencies | norowdependencies } ]
[ { cache | nocache } ]
The hashkeys clause makes the statment create a hash cluster. With hashkeys, index cannot be specified.