Search notes:

Oracle format models for conversion functions

Formats for numbers

0, 9
RN/rn Uppercase/lowercase roman numbers (XXIV etc.)
create table tq84_number_format (
   fmt  varchar2(20) not null,
   id   number       generated always as identity primary key

insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values (  '9999999999'    );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values (  '9999999999.999');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values (  '9999999990.099');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('FM9999999990.099');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ( 'S9999999990.099');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ( 'S0000000000.999');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ( 'S9999999999.999');
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('TMe'             );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('TM9'             );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('9.9EEEE'         );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('999,999,999'     );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('999,999,999.99'  );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('000,000,000.00'  );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('000,000,009.00'  );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('RN'              );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('XXXXXX'          );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('B99,999,999.00'  );
insert into tq84_number_format (fmt) values ('99999V99'        );

column n1 format a18
column n2 format a18
column n3 format a18
column n4 format a18
column n5 format a18

  '>' ||  to_char(       0.7   , fmt) || '<' n1,
  '>' ||  to_char(      42     , fmt) || '<' n2,
  '>' ||  to_char(     123.4   , fmt) || '<' n3,
  '>' ||  to_char( 1222333.444 , fmt) || '<' n4,
  '>' ||  to_char(     -17.1717, fmt) || '<' n5
order by
-- FMT                  N1                 N2                 N3                 N4                 N5
-- -------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
-- 9999999999           >          1<      >         42<      >        123<      >    1222333<      >        -17<
-- 9999999999.999       >           .700<  >         42.000<  >        123.400<  >    1222333.444<  >        -17.172<
-- 9999999990.099       >          0.700<  >         42.000<  >        123.400<  >    1222333.444<  >        -17.172<
-- FM9999999990.099     >0.7<              >42.0<             >123.4<            >1222333.444<      >-17.172<
-- S9999999990.099      >         +0.700<  >        +42.000<  >       +123.400<  >   +1222333.444<  >        -17.172<
-- S0000000000.999      >+0000000000.700<  >+0000000042.000<  >+0000000123.400<  >+0001222333.444<  >-0000000017.172<
-- S9999999999.999      >          +.700<  >        +42.000<  >       +123.400<  >   +1222333.444<  >        -17.172<
-- TMe                  >7E-01<            >4.2E+01<          >1.234E+02<        >1.222333444E+06<  >-1.71717E+01<
-- TM9                  >.7<               >42<               >123.4<            >1222333.444<      >-17.1717<
-- 9.9EEEE              >  7.0E-01<        >  4.2E+01<        >  1.2E+02<        >  1.2E+06<        > -1.7E+01<
-- 999,999,999          >           1<     >          42<     >         123<     >   1,222,333<     >         -17<
-- 999,999,999.99       >            .70<  >          42.00<  >         123.40<  >   1,222,333.44<  >         -17.17<
-- 000,000,000.00       > 000,000,000.70<  > 000,000,042.00<  > 000,000,123.40<  > 001,222,333.44<  >-000,000,017.17<
-- 000,000,009.00       > 000,000,000.70<  > 000,000,042.00<  > 000,000,123.40<  > 001,222,333.44<  >-000,000,017.17<
-- RN                   >              I<  >           XLII<  >         CXXIII<  >###############<  >###############<
-- XXXXXX               >      1<          >     2A<          >     7B<          > 12A6BD<          >#######<
-- B99,999,999.00       >           .70<   >         42.00<   >        123.40<   >  1,222,333.44<   >        -17.17<
-- 99999V99             >      70<         >    4200<         >   12340<         >########<         >   -1717<

drop table tq84_number_format;
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/functions/type-conversion/format-models/number.sql

Formats for dates

The format specifiers for dates can be used in to_char(date, 'fmt'), to_date(str, 'fmt') and nls_date_format.
AD, A.D. Evaluates to AD or BD, A.D. or B.D.
AM or PM, A.M. or P.M. Evaluates to AM or PM, A.M. or P.M.
CC, SCC Century, S: with leading spaces
D, DD, DDD Day of week (1…7), month (1…31) or year (1…366). The value returned by D depends on value of nls_territory, see here.
DL, DS Long (Saturday, December 30, 2006) and short (12/30/2006) date format
DY, Dy, dy Abbreviated name of day (char(3))
E, EE Abbreviated, non-abbrevated name of era
FFx Number of digits with which fractions of a second are rendered. x = 1 … 9 (6?)
FM No leading or trailing blanks
FX Format exactly. Without fx, Oracle tries to parse the input string with some alternatives. to_date('280870', '') parses 280870, to_date('280870', '') throws ORA-01861: literal does not match format string.
HH, HH12, HH24 Hour of the day. 1…12 and 1…24
IW Week of the year
IYYY 4 digit ISO year (What's the difference to YYYY?)
IYY, IY, I Last three, two, one digits of ISO year
J Julian day. Sp can be added to spell numbers.
MI Minute of the hour (0 … 59)
MM, RM Month as number (1 … 12), or roman numerals (IXII)
MONTH, Month, month Name of the month (char(9))
MON, Mon, mon Abbreviated name of the month (char(3))
Q Quarter of the year
RR, RRRR Two, four digit year. Compare with YYYY
SS, SSSSS Seconds of the hour, since midnight. See this example
TS Short time format
TZD Daylight saving information
TZH, TZM Time zone: hour, minute
TZR Time zone: region (for example Europe/Zurich or +03:00).
WW, W Week of year, of month
X Local radix character (which separates seconds from fractions of seconds)
YYYY, YYY, YY, Y Four digit year, last three, last two, last one digit of year.
Y,YYY year with thousand separator (who uses this?)
YEAR, SYEAR Year spelled out, negative years with minus sign

Day of week

The day of week depends on the value of nls_territory:
alter  session set nls_territory='Switzerland';
select to_char(date '2021-01-01','D') from dual;
-- 5

alter  session set nls_territory='America';
select to_char(date '2021-01-01','D') from dual;
-- 6
The same problem is also present with trunc(dt, 'Day'):
alter session set nls_territory = 'switzerland';
select trunc(sysdate, 'day') from dual;   

alter session set nls_territory = 'america';
select trunc(sysdate, 'day') from dual;   


FM suppresses padding a result with leading or trailing blanks and zeroes.
FM is a toggle: mulitple FM instructions can be included in a format each of which reverses the previous FM effect. (Oracle's docu says: «suppresses leading zeroes for subsequent elements»).

See also

to_char, to_date
