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SQL: ceil and floor [SQL]

ceil (n)
ceil rounds n up to the next higher integer. If n is already rounded, it returns n.
floor rounds n down to the next higher integer. If n is already rounded, it returns n.


create table ceil_floor_test (
  a number

insert into ceil_floor_test values (   1.255);
insert into ceil_floor_test values ( 197.001);
insert into ceil_floor_test values (  68.995);
insert into ceil_floor_test values (  50.500);
insert into ceil_floor_test values (  -1.000);
insert into ceil_floor_test values ( -10.250);

select a, ceil(a) c, floor(a) f from ceil_floor_test;
         A          C          F
---------- ---------- ----------
     1.255          2          1
   197.001        198        197
    68.995         69         68
      50.5         51         50
        -1         -1         -1
    -10.25        -10        -11