Search notes:


set numformat 999
set numformat 009

set numformat 999.99
set numformat 009.99

set numformat ""

set numwidth  n
The values of numformat and numwidth control how SQL*Plus formats and displays numbers.
The value of numwidth only has an effect if numformat is not set.
The effect of numwidth (or numformat) can be overwritten for specific columns with column … format …
The format of numformat can be reset by setting it to the empty string:
set numformat ""
   1234567890      n_10,
   12345678901     n_11,
   123456789012    n_12,
   1234567890123   n_13,
   12345678901234  n_14,
   12345.78901234  n_5_8

     N_10       N_11       N_12       N_13       N_14      N_5_8
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1234567890 1.2346E+10 1.2346E+11 1.2346E+12 1.2346E+13  12345.789
Change numwidth and use the slash to re-execute the previous SQL statement (which is still in the buffer):
set numwidth  13


         N_10          N_11          N_12          N_13          N_14         N_5_8
------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
   1234567890   12345678901  123456789012 1234567890123 1.2345679E+13 12345.7890123
Compare with numwidth equal to 5:
set numwidth  5


 N_10  N_11  N_12  N_13  N_14 N_5_8
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
##### ##### ##### ##### ##### 12346
Use numformat for more human readable visual representation of large numbers:
set numformat 999,999,999,990.999

                N_10                 N_11                 N_12                 N_13                 N_14                N_5_8
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
   1,234,567,890.000   12,345,678,901.000  123,456,789,012.000 #################### ####################           12,345.789
Change the format for a specific column:
column N_13 format 9999999999999999


                N_10                 N_11                 N_12              N_13                 N_14                N_5_8
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- --------------------
   1,234,567,890.000   12,345,678,901.000  123,456,789,012.000     1234567890123 ####################           12,345.789

See also

The number datatype.
