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XPath query with XML DB

XML documents stored in XML DB can be queried using XPath.
First, a table is needed to store the document.
create table xml_xpath (
  id  number primary key,
  doc XMLType
Storing two XML documents:
insert into xml_xpath values (1, sys.XMLType.CreateXML(
'<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <firstname>John  </firstname>
  <lastname> Miller</lastname>
  <extension>403   </extension>

insert into xml_xpath values (2, sys.XMLType.CreateXML(
'<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <firstname>Paul  </firstname>
  <lastname> Donare</lastname>
  <extension>233   </extension>
Querying the persons' first names:
column firstname format a30
select id, sys.XMLType.extract(doc,'/person/firstname/text()') firstname from xml_xpath;
---------- ------------------------------
         1 John
         2 Paul