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Oracle ref cursors with Perl DBI

create or replace function perl_refcursor_func(p_a in number)
return sys_refcursor as
  ret sys_refcursor;
  open ret for 
    select * from perl_refcursor_tab
     where a > p_a;

  return ret;
end perl_refcursor_func;
create table perl_refcursor_tab (
  a  number,
  b  varchar2(10)

insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 1, 'one'  );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 2, 'two'  );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 3, 'three');
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 4, 'four' );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 5, 'five' );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 6, 'six'  );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 7, 'seven');
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 8, 'eight');
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values ( 9, 'nine' );
insert into perl_refcursor_tab values (10, 'ten'  );

use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);

use warnings;
use strict;

print "User: ";     my $user = <STDIN>;
print "Password: "; my $pw   = <STDIN>;
print "SID: ";      my $sid  = <STDIN>;

chomp($user, $pw, $sid);

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$sid", $user, $pw);

my $sth = $dbh -> prepare("
  rc sys_refcursor;
  :rc := perl_refcursor_func(:p_a);

$sth->bind_param(":p_a", 5);

my $sth_cursor;
$sth->bind_param_inout(":rc", \$sth_cursor, 0, {ora_type => ORA_RSET });


while (my $r = $sth_cursor->fetchrow_hashref) {
  print $r->{A}, "\n";
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);

use warnings;
use strict;

print "User: ";     my $user = <STDIN>;
print "Password: "; my $pw   = <STDIN>;
print "SID: ";      my $sid  = <STDIN>;

chomp($user, $pw, $sid);

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$sid", $user, $pw);

my $sth = $dbh -> prepare("
  open :rc for 
    select * from perl_refcursor_tab
     where a > :p_a;

$sth->bind_param(":p_a", 5);

my $sth_cursor;
$sth->bind_param_inout(":rc", \$sth_cursor, 0, {ora_type => ORA_RSET });


while (my $r = $sth_cursor->fetchrow_hashref) {
  print $r->{A}, "\n";