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set bell-style bell|none|audible
set comment-begin
set completion-ignore-case on|off
set completion-query-items n
set convert-meta on|off
set disable-completion on|off
set editing-mode vi|emacs
set enable-keypad on|off
set expand-tilde on|off
set horizontal-scroll-mode on|off
set input-meta on|off
set isearch-terminators char-string
set keymap  emacs|emacs-standard|emacs-meta|emacs-ctlx|vi|vi-command|vi-insert
set mark-directories on|off
set mark-modified-lines on|off
set output-meta on|off
set print-completions-horizontally on|off
set show-all-if-ambiguous on|off
set visible-stats on|off
.inputrc controls how programs using the readline library (for example bash) behave. It is loaded automatically.

set completion-ignore-case on

Ignores case while completing.

set meta-flag on

Make Bash 8bit clean, useful for languages with accented characters

set convert-meta off

Make Bash 8bit clean, useful for languages with accented characters

set output-meta on

Make Bash 8bit clean, useful for languages with accented characters

set bell-style none

set bell-style none

set editing-mode vi

Turns on vi editing mode.