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CSS: Box model

The element's content has a padding (potentially of zero size) around it.
The padding has (an optional) border around it.
Such a box (Element + padding + border) is separated from the boxes around it by a margin.
Box width: left margin + right margin + left border + right border + left padding + right padding + content width.
Box height = top margin + bottom margin + top border + bottom border + top padding + bottom padding + content width.


The margin is always transparent. Content and padding use the background property of the generating element.
The border color is defined by the border properties of the generating element.

Some properties

Some properties related to the box model include:
overflow, overflow-x, overflow-y Specifies whether a box’s content (including any ink overflow) is clipped to its padding edge, and if so, whether it is a scroll container that allows the user to scroll clipped parts of its scrollable overflow area into view


Scroll container
Ink overflow

See also

The box-sizing property.
