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ms windows faq

How do I clear a console

See kb 99261

Where do I find more info on using CreateThread and _beginthread(ex)

It's right here: kb 104641

How do I move files that currently are in Use

Under NT, userMoveFileEx() and specify the MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT flag. Under win95, use WinInit.ini

How do I convert between ascii and unicode

If you're using C++ w/ATL, then the 'USES_CONVERSION' family is pretty handy: void foo(const char* s) { USES_CONVERSION; LPWSTR p = A2W(s) // ANSI to WIDE There's a whole family of them. Otherwise there is the MultiByteToWideChar() and WideCharToMultiByte() Win32 API functions. There is also the C runtime library functions mbtowcs() and wctombs(). By all accounts typecasting the pointers is not the answer!

where do i find out about (__cdecl, __stdcall, __fastcall, thiscall)


is there a mother of all programs

dare i say that generic.c is quite famous?

How do I traverse a directory's subdirectories recursivly in c,c++

Use FindFirstFile (or FindFirstFileEx) and FindNextFile

VC Compiler

It's possible to disable a specific warning message by putting something like
#ifdef _MSC_VER // if using Microsoft C++ compiler
#pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) // disable warning C4786
in the c++ file.
How can I do the same thing using a command-line flag? (for the command-line compiler cl.exe). I can only find documentation about the "/W" flag which sets warning levels but >doesn't allow control over specific warnings.

You can't vin VC6 and earlier. The VC7 beta has a bunch of new options:

  • /wd<n>
    disable warning n

  • /we<n>
    treat warning n as an error

  • /wo<n>
    issue warning n once

  • /w<l><n>
    set warning level 1-4 for n