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move_size_design_view [Access macro]

option explicit 

public sub move_size_design_view()
  dim ac as access.application
  dim db as dao.database

  dim mdb_file_name As String
  mdb_file_name = "c:\temp\move_size_design_view_test.mdb"
  deleteIfExists (mdb_file_name)

  set ac = new access.application
  set db = ac.dbEngine.workspaces(0).createDatabase(mdb_file_name, dbLangGeneral, 0)


  dim fm as access.form

  set fm = create_form(ac, "Someform", 20, 40, 200, 600)
end sub

private function create_form(ac as access.application, frm_name as string, x as long, y as long, w as long, h as long) as access.form

  dim fm as access.form
  set fm = ac.createForm()

  ' Giving the form a name:
  dim form_name_orig as string
      form_name_orig =

  doCmd.openForm, acDesign
  doCmd.moveSize x*15 , y*15 , w*15, h*15

  ac.doCmd.close acForm, form_name_orig, acSaveYes
  ac.doCmd.rename frm_name, acForm, form_name_orig

end function

private sub deleteIfExists(fileToDelete As String)

  ' Extras->Verweise
  '   Check "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
  dim fso As New FileSystemObject
  dim aFile As file
  if (fso.FileExists(fileToDelete)) then
    Set aFile = fso.GetFile(fileToDelete)
  end if

end sub