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Data types [VBA]

option explicit

public sub data_types 

  dim  boolean_  as  boolean
  dim  byte_     as  byte     '  1 byte        0 .. 255
' dim sbyte_     as sbyte     '  1 byte     -128 .. 127
' dim  char_     as  char     '  2 bytes       0 .. 65535 (2^16-1)
' dim  short_    as  short    '  2 bytes  -32768 .. 32767
' dim ushort_    as ushort    '  2 bytes
  dim  single_   as  single   '  4 bytes
  dim  string_   as  string   '
  dim  date_     as  date     '  8 bytes   0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001 through 11:59:59 PM on December 31, 9999
' dim  decimal_  as  decimal  ' 16 bytes
  dim  double_   as  double   '  8 bytes
  dim  integer_  as  integer  '  4 bytes
' dim uinteger_  as uinteger  '  4 bytes 
  dim  long_     as  long     '  8 bytes
' dim ulong_     as ulong     '  8 bytes
  dim  object_   as  object   '  4 bytes (8 bytes on 64 bit machines)
  dim  variant_  as  variant

end sub
See also other VBA stuff