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dictionary [VBA]

' This example needs "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
'  Dictionary (or Associative Array) example
option explicit

public sub dictionary()

  dim dict as dictionary

  set dict = new dictionary

  dict.compareMode = binaryCompare

  dict("one"  ) = 1
  dict("two"  ) = 2
  dict("three") = 3
  dict("four" ) = 4

  call print_value_of("three", dict)
  call print_value_of("nine" , dict)

  call print_key_value_pairs(dict)

end sub

private sub print_value_of(key_ as string, dict as dictionary)
  if dict.exists(key_) then
     msgBox("Value of " & key_ & " is " & dict(key_))
     msgBox("Key " & key_ & " was not found in dict")
  end if
end sub

private sub print_key_value_pairs (dict as dictionary)
  dim key_ as variant

  for each key_ in dict.keys
      msgBox (key_ & "=" & dict(key_))

end sub

See also other VBA stuff