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Positioning Google Earth with VBA

The following snippet positions Google Earth so as to see Zürich:
Sub GoogleEarth()
' Use Menu Extras -> References
' then check "Google Earth 1.0 Type Library"

  Dim ge As ApplicationGE
  Set ge = New EARTHLib.ApplicationGE
  ge.SetCameraParams                                  _
    lat       := 47 + 21/60 + 42/60/60 + 49/60/60/60, _
    lon       :=  8 + 32/60 + 34/60/60 +  8/60/60/60, _
    alt       := 250,                                 _
    altMode   := 1,                                   _
    Range     := 1,                                   _
    Tilt      := 70,                                  _
    Azimuth   := 360 - 15,                            _
    speed     := 5

End Sub
The following snippet can be used to retrieve the camera coordinates in order to later postion the camera again:
Sub GoogleEarthGetCamera()

  Dim ge As ApplicationGE
  Dim cam As CameraInfoGE
  Set ge = New EARTHLib.ApplicationGE
  Set cam = ge.GetCamera(1)

  Selection.TypeText Text :=                                                    _
    "let cam.FocusPointLatitude     = " & cam.FocusPointLatitude     & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.FocusPointLongitude    = " & cam.FocusPointLongitude    & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.FocusPointAltitude     = " & cam.FocusPointAltitude     & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.FocusPointAltitudeMode = " & cam.FocusPointAltitudeMode & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.Range                  = " & cam.Range                  & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.Tilt                   = " & cam.Tilt                   & Chr(11)  _
  & "let cam.Azimuth                = " & cam.Azimuth                & Chr(11)  _
  & "ge.SetCamera cam,5"                     
End Sub