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May 2, 2005: On creating a similar user

Unfortunately, there is no SQL statement available in Oracle to create a new user similar to an already existing (or created) user. Under a similar user, I understand another user that has the same quotas on tablespaces, the same privileges and the same synonyms.
Therefore, a procedure is needed to create a similar user:
create or replace procedure create_user_like (
  orig_user varchar2,
  clone     varchar2,
  pw        varchar2
  authid current_user
  def_ts    varchar2(30);
  tmp_ts    varchar2(30);
  profile   varchar2(30);
  priv      varchar2(40);
  admin     varchar2( 3);
  with_adm  varchar2(18);
  quota     varchar2(20);

  select default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace, profile
  into   def_ts            , tmp_ts              , profile
  from   sys.dba_users
  where   username = orig_user;

  execute immediate
    'create user ' || clone  || ' identified by ' || pw ||
    ' default tablespace '   || def_ts            ||
    ' temporary tablespace ' || tmp_ts            ||
    ' profile '              || profile;

  for r in (
      privilege, admin_option
      grantee = orig_user) loop

    if r.admin_option = 'YES' then
      with_adm := ' with admin option';
      with_adm := '';
    end if;

    execute immediate
      'grant ' || r.privilege || ' to ' || clone ||
  end loop;

  for r in (
    select granted_role, admin_option
    from   sys.dba_role_privs
    where  grantee = orig_user) 

    if r.admin_option = 'YES' then
      with_adm := ' with admin option';
      with_adm := '';
    end if;

    execute immediate 'grant ' || r.granted_role || ' to ' || clone || with_adm;
  end loop;

  for r in (
    select owner, table_name, privilege, grantable
    from sys.dba_tab_privs
    where grantee = orig_user) loop

    if r.grantable = 'YES' then
      with_adm := ' with admin option';
      with_adm := '';
    end if;

    execute immediate
      'grant ' || r.privilege ||
      ' on '   || r.owner     || '.' || r.table_name ||
      ' to '   || clone       || with_adm;
  end loop;

  for r in (
    select owner, table_name, column_name, privilege, grantable
    from sys.dba_col_privs
    where grantee = orig_user) loop

    if r.grantable = 'YES' then
      with_adm := ' with admin option';
      with_adm := '';
    end if;

    execute immediate
      'grant ' || r.privilege   ||
      '('      || r.column_name || ')' ||
      ' on '   || r.owner       || '.' || r.table_name ||
      ' to ' || clone ||
  end loop;

  for r in (
    select tablespace_name, max_bytes
    from sys.dba_ts_quotas
    where username = orig_user) loop

    if r.max_bytes = -1 then
      quota := 'unlimited';
      quota := to_char(r.max_bytes);
    end if;

    execute immediate
      'alter user ' || clone    ||
      ' quota '     || quota    ||
      ' on '        || r.tablespace_name;
  end loop;

  for r in (
    select synonym_name, table_owner, table_name 
    from dba_synonyms
    where owner = orig_user) loop

    execute immediate
      'create synonym ' || clone || '.' || r.synonym_name ||
      ' for ' || r.table_owner   || '.' || r.table_name;
  end loop;


Testing the procedure

In order to test the procedure, some users are created: orig (the user to be duplicated), owner_1, owner_2 (owner_1 and owner_2 own some tables and will have granted some privileges), proc_executor (who will execute the procedure) and proc_owner (who will create the procedure)
connect rene/rene

create user orig
  identified by orig
  default   tablespace data
  temporary tablespace temp
  quota     10M on data
  quota     20M on temp
  quota     unlimited on ts_01;

create user owner_1
  identified by owner_1
  default   tablespace data
  temporary tablespace temp
  quota unlimited on data
  quota unlimited on temp;

create user owner_2
  identified by owner_2
  default   tablespace data
  temporary tablespace temp
  quota unlimited on data
  quota unlimited on temp;

create user proc_executor
  identified by proc_executor
  default   tablespace data
  temporary tablespace temp;

create user proc_owner
  identified by proc_owner
  default   tablespace data
  temporary tablespace temp;
The users receive their necessary privileges to do their work:
grant create session, create synonym                to orig;
grant create session, create table                  to owner_1;
grant create session, create table, create role     to owner_2; 
grant create session, create procedure, create user to proc_owner;
The procedure owner needs privileges grantable by a sysdba.
connect / as sysdba

grant select on dba_users      to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_sys_privs  to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_role_privs to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_tab_privs  to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_col_privs  to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_ts_quotas  to proc_owner;
grant select on dba_synonyms   to proc_owner;
owner_1 creates his tables:
connect owner_1/owner_1

create table selectable(txt varchar2(30));
create table insertable(txt varchar2(30));

insert into selectable values ('selectable owned by owner_1');

Then he grants some privileges on these tables so that orig can do a select or an insert on the table's data:
grant select        on selectable to orig;
grant select,insert on insertable to orig;
Owner_2 also creates a table:
connect owner_2/owner_2

create table column_grants(txt varchar2(30), col number);
create table role_grant(txt varchar2(30));

grant update (col) on column_grants to orig;
grant select on column_grants to orig;
insert into column_grants values ('Moo', 1);

create role owner_2_role;

grant select, insert on role_grant to owner_2_role;
grant owner_2_role to orig;
orig creates a synonym for owner_2.column_grants. This synonym should be copied with the create_user_like procedure.
connect orig/orig

create synonym syn_col_gr for owner_2.column_grants;
proc_owner creates the procedure:
connect proc_owner/proc_owner

create procedure .... [see above]....

grant execute on create_user_like to proc_executor;
proc_executer will execute many privileges along with the procedure, so, the predefined role dba is granted to him.
connect / as sysdba

grant dba to proc_executor;
proc_executor connects to the database and executes create_user_like. A new user is thus created, named CLONE, having the password CLONE_PW.
connect proc_executor/proc_executor

exec proc_owner.create_user_like('ORIG', 'CLONE', 'CLONE_PW');
Now, let the clone connect to the database (and see if he was truly created and has the indicated password).
connect clone/clone_pw
Yep, that seems to work.
Can he select from owner_1.selectable?
SQL> select * from owner_1.selectable;

selectable owned by owner_1
SQL> insert into owner_1.insertable values ('inserted by clone');
SQL> select * from owner_1.insertable;

inserted by clone
SQL> update syn_col_gr set col=3 where txt = 'Moo';
SQL> select * from syn_col_gr;

TXT                                   COL
------------------------------ ----------
Moo                                     3
SQL> insert into owner_2.role_grant values ('inserted through role [clone]');
SQL> select * from owner_2.role_grant;

inserted through role [clone]
Yes, the privileges and synonyms seem to be copied, as well.
As a last check, the quotas are verified:
connect rene/rene

select tablespace_name, 
  case when max_bytes = -1 then 'Unlimited' else
    lpad(to_char(max_bytes/1024/1024),length('Unlimited')) end quota_mb
  dba_ts_quotas where username = 'CLONE';
The following output shows that the quotas were copied as well.
------------------------------ ---------
TS_01                          Unlimited
TEMP                                  20
DATA                                  10

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