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DisplayItem [Ming wrapper class]

The source


#include <string>

#include "ming.h"

class DisplayItem {
    friend class MovieClip_;

    DisplayItem(SWFDisplayItem d);

    void Move     (float x, float y);
    void MoveTo   (float x, float y);
    void Rotate   (float degrees);
    void RotateTo (float degrees);
    void AddColor ();
    void MultColor();

    void Name     (std::string const&);

    /* Used together with Morphs */
    void Ratio    (float);

    void ScaleTo  (float x, float y);

    void AddColor (int   r, int   g, int   g, int   a=255);
    void MultColor(float r, float g, float b, float a=  1);

    friend class Movie;
    friend class MovieClip;
  	friend class Shape;
    friend class DisplayClip;

    /* Z can only be set when the DisplayItem was newly added.
       Therefore, it's private. The higher z, the better a DisplayItem is visible*/
    void Z    (unsigned int z);

    /* Depth can only be set when the DisplayItem was newly added.
       Therefore, it's private */
  	void MaskLevel(unsigned int);

    SWFDisplayItem item_;

#include "DisplayItem.h"
#include "Action.h"

DisplayItem::DisplayItem(SWFDisplayItem d) {
  item_ = d;

void DisplayItem::Move(float x, float y) {
  SWFDisplayItem_move(item_, x, y);

void DisplayItem::MoveTo(float x, float y) {
  SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(item_, x, y);

void DisplayItem::Rotate(float degrees) {
  SWFDisplayItem_rotate(item_, degrees);

void DisplayItem::RotateTo(float degrees) {
  SWFDisplayItem_rotateTo(item_, degrees);

void DisplayItem::Name(std::string const& name) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setName(item_, name.c_str());

void DisplayItem::Z(unsigned int z) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(item_, z);

void DisplayItem::Ratio(float r) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setRatio(item_, r);

void DisplayItem::ScaleTo(float x, float y) {
  SWFDisplayItem_scaleTo(item_, x, y);

void DisplayItem::MaskLevel(unsigned int level) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setMaskLevel(item_, level);

void DisplayItem::AddColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setColorAdd(item_, r, g, b, a);

void DisplayItem::MultColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
  SWFDisplayItem_setColorMult(item_, r, g, b, a);
