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Ming wrapper concept

Note: This page is by far not finished...


In order to create a flash movie with ming wrapper, at least Movie is needed.
Movie's constructor is used to specify the created movie's filename, its width and height, how many frames per second it displays and the SWF version. The first three arguments are mandatory while the others are optional.
int width          = 400;
int height         = 200;
int frames_per_sec =  15;
int swf_version    =   7;

Movie  movie ("movie_name.swf", width, height, frames_per_sec, swf_version);



A Character_ (or more specifically, its derived classes, see below) defines something that can be displayed in a flash movie or a movie clip (sprite). It does not, however, cause something to be rendered by itself, it must first be Add()'ed to a Button or a MovieClip_.
The following classes are derived from Character_: All these classes are inherited from Character_.
Now, having a movie or a MovieClip, Character_ instances can be placed onto the movie or MovieClip with Add(). In the special case of a MovieClip, this Add() is used.


Add()'ing a Character_ onto a MovieClip_ makes that Character_ visible in the movie or sprite. A DisplayItem instance is returned which then can be used to manipulate the placed character.
This implies that a Character_ can be placed onto a movie or sprite multiple times (each time returning a different DisplayItem).


A DisplayClip is a special form of a DisplayItem: it is returned when a MovieClip is Add()'ed. Specifically, a DisplayClip defines the On... methods which are not available with DisplayItem.