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Gradient [Ming wrapper example]

This example demonstrates the use of Gradients.
This flash movie was created with the following program.
#include "SWFMovie.h"

void DrawRect(Shape& shape, int x, int y, int len) {
  shape.MoveTo(x, y);
  shape.Line(  len,   0);
  shape.Line(    0, len);
  shape.Line( -len,   0);
  shape.Line(    0,-len);

int main() {
  Movie movie ("GradientExample.swf", 600, 400);

  Gradient gradient;

  Shape shape;

  gradient.Add(0.0,   0, 0,255);
  gradient.Add(1.0, 255, 0,  0);

  GradientFill fill = shape.GetRadial(gradient);
  fill.MoveTo  (300, 200);


  shape.LineStyle(10, 0, 0, 0);

  DrawRect(shape, 100, 100,150);
  DrawRect(shape,  20, 330, 50);
  DrawRect(shape, 500, 100, 60);
  DrawRect(shape, 420, 240, 80);
  DrawRect(shape, 320, 180, 60);
  DrawRect(shape, 390,  40, 90);
  DrawRect(shape, 330, 300, 70);
  DrawRect(shape, 220, 280, 50);
  DrawRect(shape,  10,  30, 40);
  DrawRect(shape, 540, 340, 40);


  return 0;
This is one of a series of examples that demonstrates the C++ ming wrapper classes. Other examples can be found here.