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Snare (CSound instrument)

This snare is a (only slightly) modified version of the snare found by Istvan Varga.
instr 2
  icps0  = 147
  iamp   = p4*0.7

  icps1  =  2.0 * icps0
  kcps   port icps0, 0.007, icps1
  kcpsx  =  kcps * 1.5
  kfmd   port   0.0, 0.01, 0.7
  aenv1  expon  1.0, 0.03, 0.5
  kenv2  port 1.0, 0.008, 0.0
  aenv2  interp kenv2
  aenv3  expon  1.0, 0.025, 0.5
  a_     oscili 1.0, kcps, 1
  a1     oscili 1.0, kcps * (1.0 + a_*kfmd), 1
  a_     oscili 1.0, kcpsx, 1
  a2     oscili 1.0, kcpsx * (1.0 + a_*kfmd), 1
  a3     unirand 2.0
  a3     =  a3 - 1.0
  a3     butterbp a3, 5000, 7500
  a3     =  a3 * aenv2
  a0     =  a1 + a2*aenv3 + a3*1.0
  a0     =  a0 * aenv1

  outs a0*iamp, a0*iamp