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Oracle and COM

The Oracle COM automation feature allows to manipulate (that is generate, process and the like) Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point documents. More generally, any COM object can be automated.
The following components are used:
  • %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\orawpcomver.dll
    ver being the version
  • %ORACLE_HOME%\com\comwrap.sql
    Creates the ordcom package
  • %ORACLE_HOME%\com\comus.msb
    The message files

Installing COM automation for PL/SQL

%ORACLE_HOME%\com\comwrap.sql must be run. It needs not be run as system or sys.

Configuring tnsnames.ora and listener.ora

If either tnsnames.ora or listener.ora are misconfigures, an ORA-28575 will be returned when it is tried to create an object.
The tnsnames.ora must contain the special service name extproc_connection_data.
extproc_connection_data =
 (description =
      (address = (protocol = ipc)(key = extproc_key))
      (connect_data = (sid = extproc_agent))
If there is an names.default_domain entry in the sqlnet.ora file, this default must be appended to extproc_connection_data in the tnsnames.ora file.
extproc_key must be exactly the same as the value used in the KEY entry in the listener.ora file.
extproc_agent must be excactly the same the value used in the SID_NAME entry in the listener.ora file.
protocol must be set to IPC.
callout_listener =
   (address_list =
          (address =
             (protocol = ipc)
             (KEY = extproc_key)

sid_list_callout_listener =
    (sid_list =
          (sid_desc =
            (sid_name = extproc_agent)
            (oracle_home = c:\oracle\ora10)
            (program = extproc)
Then, start the callout_listener explicitely:
lsnrctl start callout_listener